Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another "what martial arts should I train" q,a bit more complicated thou.. ^^?

I turned 17 not long ago. I'm almost 6.3 ft tall and will weight ~200lbs when I'll turn 18... at least I hope so..

First of all... I'm concerned it will be a bit too late for me to start at the age of 18...

Secondly, I weight ~250 lbs and I practically sit the whole day... I have terrible back pain sometimes and don't feel healthy at all. I plan to lose more than 50lbs in 1 year and at the same time gain some muscles. I guess I've got some power for my age though...

Finally, after all I've said, I have no ideas of martial arts, yet I wish to achieve something.. I want something effective against single %26amp; multiple enemies, stylish, but rather deadly...

The questions are:

1. Am I not too old to start at the age of 18 and isn't my health condition too bad?

2. What martial arts would suit me better, hmm?

Another "what martial arts should I train" q,a bit more complicated thou.. ^^?
You are never TOO anything to take up any martial art, and certainly at your age, there is much time in front of you to excel at whichever discipline you choose.

Your current physical condition is another matter that will take some care. If you have chronic back pain and have been leading a sedentary lifestyle up to now, you should have a full physical from your doctor and tell them of your intention to take up weight training and martial arts. This will ensure that there is no endemic or systemic problem causing the pain before you embark on more physical activity that your body or heart is used to.

If you get the all clear from your doctor, the next step will be to find an instructor and school that you feel comfortalbe in and that welcomes you. Many people who come to the martial arts are overweight, inflexible, lack balance, or a host of other temporary maladies. None of these are show stoppers, and any good instructor and school will work with you at your own pace to increase your fitness, flexibility, balance, stamina, strenght and so on.

As far as which martial art to choose, this is the wrong question. As a novice, the discipline really does not matter and no-one on this forum can tell you what will suit your temprament or personality best. Everyone is drawn to different disciplines or instructors or schools for a diverse number of reasons. You must make your own decision. The most important thing however, is to find an instructor you like and a school with students you will look forward to training with every week.

Check out all of the schools in your area. Talk with the instructor/s. Observe a few classes that you would participate in. Talk with the students. Your decision will probably become pretty clear.

Good luck

Ken C

9th Dan HapMoosaKi-Do

8th Dan TaeKwon-Do

7th Dan YongChul-Do
Reply:I don't think you are ever too old to start learning almost anything.

Given your physical condition I would suggest starting with something to improve your balance and flexibility, like yoga or Tai Chi, while doing ordinary aerobics to lose the weight. Most actual martial arts might stress your joints/back too much as you are today.

For striking: muay thai, boxing, sanshou, kyokushin karate.

For grappling: judo, brazilian jiujitsu, wrestling, catch wrestling.

For a mix of grappling and striking: combat sambo, shidokan karate, kajukembo.

For self-defense: krav maga
Reply:You are certainly not too old to start a martial art; however it does sound to me like you have a weight problem... and a change in lifestyle and eating habits is going to do more to fix that than exercise ever will.

You tell me that you don't feel healthy and that you have "terrible back pain". Your weight plus those two indicators are "red flags" about your health.

Run, do not walk, to your nearest registered Chiropractor and have your spine and neck x-rayed and assessed. It sounds to me like you are likely to need a course of treatments to get your back fixed. (I am undergoing a course of Chiropractic treatment myself right now, and it's going to take me months of visits to fix a long term problem I had been unaware of until it got real bad.)

Once you know your back is being taken care of, you can do something about your eating and your diet. (I can give you some pointers if you like, just contact me thru Yahoo! Answers.)

Once you get those things under control, you can think about getting into a martial art - for defense and fitness. But do have a serious think about _why_ you feel the need.

Martial Arts is not really about being a tough guy or kicking butt. If you do go down that route, expect to spend years, even decades, improving your skills. It's not a quick fix for anything.
Reply:At the age of 31 I began doing Tae Kwon Do. At the time my son was 7, and we started out together. Now at 36 I am a 1st degree black belt, still taking classes having a lot of fun. Planning a training trip to Korea next year.

For all I know, it is never to late - and the health benefits are out of this world. Good for back pain - overall good for your health!

Pilsung! (You can do it!)
Reply:You are never too old, unless your goal is Olympic competition. But as far as training goes, you can start at any age given you're healthy. In fact, you're at a perfect age; you're just mature enough, and in the full bloom of youth. Plus, next year you'll be 19, with or without. You might as well start now.

Second, asking a bunch of strangers on the Internet which art you should take doesn't make much sense. You're the only one who can ultimately make that decision. I would suggest you write down a list of your goals in the martial arts, everything you want to achieve. (Self-defense, confidence, more flexibility, meeting new friends, etc...) whatever your goals are. And these are your goals, so no sense in copying down somebody else's list. Once you know why you want to do this, you have a better chance of selecting one.

Then make a list of maybe three, four arts that interest you. Go visit their schools, read a bit about them, go see videos on Youtube. Once you find a school in your area that teaches something that speaks to you, go for it. No point in over-thinking it. I find it's better to trust your instincts for that kind of thing.

As far as not being in good enough shape, don't worry about that. At your age, it's not dangerous and it'll get you back in shape. The only way to get in shape is to exercise, so you've got to start somewhere.
Reply:martial arts will help anyone. as long as you find a good school with the right attitude your health shouldnt matter unless its really bad you may have to discuss that with your instructor and maybe sit out for some exercises or do private lessons. your never too old to start we have a few students in our school who are in their 50s. any martial art will help you. the inly one i advise not to do is TKD because it sounds like you will have trouble doing many of their high crazy kicks. i do kenpo,sombo, and goshin jitsu. they are all great and i love them. GL with your training!!
Reply:Frank the Tank has the correct answer.

Ladies' necklace

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