Sunday, April 26, 2009

Which martial arts trains the mind body and spirit?

All of them do. Even if some martial arts don't seem to train much spiritually keep in mind that the discipline, and respect you learn translates well into your spirit.

There martial arts that focus a great deal on the spirit as well as phisical, like karate, kung fu and aikido.

Which martial arts trains the mind body and spirit?
All true martial arts train the mind body and spirit. If you doubt that you're getting such comprehensive training you're probably taking a martial sport, not a martial art.
Reply:Same answer from me also.Well said.
Reply:I would say any that are founded on Sanchin kata. (Isshinryu, Goju-ryu, Uechiryu, Shitoryu, etc)

Sanchin means 3 conflicts...

The three conflicts are the conflict with your mind, the conflict with your body and the conflict with your spirt. During your entire life you must make battle with your mind body and spirit, and you win this battle with karate.(i.e. A person suffering from Parkinson's disease has a tougher battle with their mind, than with their body... while a person overcoming a broken Leg has a conflict ahead of them with their body) This is not "battle" as in destroying these things, but strengthening them from things that would hurt your mind, body or spirit.
Reply:All true Asian Martial Arts, by definition do. Any style that doesn't isn't a true Martial Art. Just because the name on the door is that of a traditional Asian Martial Art doesn't guarantee that what goes on inside is a true Asian Martial Art.
Reply:all of them. The purpose is for all of the elements of man to become unified.
Reply:If you have a good instructor, all do!!
Reply:Not everything that you see is a "Martial Art"...

Some are based on derivatives (throw backs) of martial arts with the discipline required to learn Poomse, Kata, Hyung etc removed...

Martial means military and art denotes something very unique...

Everything punching kicking, choking, or breaking is not something very unique with military of fighting qualities...

General Choi Hong Hi(father of modern day Taekwondo), and Eternal Grand Master Haeng Ung Lee( founder of the American TaekwoDo Association), made the mind and body principle the main stay of their teachings...

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