Sunday, April 26, 2009

How do i train for mixed martial arts and strength train?

i'm in kickboxing now and need to know how much running i should do and when to do it

How do i train for mixed martial arts and strength train?
Depending on what kind of shape you are in now. Start off by running a couple miles either outside or on a treadmill. A good time would be under 15 minutes but don't push yourself if it is too much at first. After a few days it will get easier. Do this every day before you start your training. It will prepare your body for the workout ahead. Make sure you are stretched well before you start running and again after you finish. Weight training is good for strength but as a fighter bulk doesn't equal more power and will definatly hurt your flexability, agillity and quickness. So stick to strength training excercises. Stay away from blasting with the heavy weights. Ya guys like Matt Hughs and GSP look like they lift weights all day but they don't. They all weigh 20 - 30 lbs heavier if they are not training. So they cut the weight to get into a lighter devision. Look at BJ Penn barely a visible muscle but he's strong and a great fighter. It's all about endurance training. That's why before every work out run at least 2 miles and then once you are getting closer to being ready to fight run 2 miles after training too. Swimming 2 miles will do what running 10 miles will do for your heart. So do that once a week. But regardless of what your are training on that day always run before and maybe after except for swimming days. Or you can always go to some of the fighters web pages and see what how they train.
Reply:Just don't squat and then run stairs. you will f@ck your knees. Get a good coach is the best bet.
Reply:Running builds endurance and leg strength. It also help control breathing and tones upper arms and chest endurance. All that is needed for the ring. But it is a very good ideal to change off day by day. Run one day and then strength train on the arms, back or chest. You have to allow the muscles that you work on today to rebuild tomorrow. Good luck with your training. Only through time, training can you achieve your goals. Whatever you do, do not use ankle weights. They will destroy your knee's. Ankle weights are the worst thing and I never allow any of my students to use them.

6 Dan TKD (Instructor).
Reply:Sprints! Years ago professional fighters jogged miles a day. Now we know that Sprinting is better for MMA.

Sprint 100 yards then jog 20. Repeat this cycle for one mile. Then if you want to keep going, go as long as you would like.

Put everything into the first mile.

If you need to lose weight, jogging for miles is a better way to go. However, if you are looking at conditioning for the ring, sprints are the way to go.

Run every other day. If you want to you can supplement the sprints with uphill sprints and walk down or bleachers.

If you are wanting to enter the cage, you may want to train in a grappling art as well. Trust me, I've been there.

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