Friday, May 21, 2010

Been working out regularly for over a year and seeing negative results! Help?

I am 5'9" male with a heavy build (broad and thick). April 2006 I was 180lb with some chub and a little bit of muscle mass. I have been working mostly cardio (30min - 1h bike/tred/oliptical/running/ect 3-5 times a week) and some resistence training (Minimal weight several reps and set). I also do Tai Chi 2 times a week, Bodukon (the combination of yoga, martial arts and meditation into one work out routine) and 50 push ups almost every night. I also swim now and then, play sport with friends, and play with my very energetic boxer everyday. This along with proper diet (though I admit that i go a little bit over board at time (the no rules burger at Outback is very tempting every once in a blue moon)) should have put me into better shape i would thing.

My problem is: After the first month i began seeing deeper and darker stretch marks going up my stomach, my stomach has only gotten large, and I seem to have less stamina.

Anyone know what is going on with my body?

Been working out regularly for over a year and seeing negative results! Help?
Unfortunately it breaks down to your diet/food intake You also need to do less cardio, with more muscle you will burn more calories through out the course of the day with muscle. 80% is food/diet 10% sleep/rest 10% working out. Cardio will also use muscles *** energy if you do it more than a 30 minutes session at a time. Try a three day schedule like this.

Beginner schedule

Monday- chest, bi

Wed - Back, triceps

Fri- Legs, shoulders


Mon- Chest

Tues- Back

Wed- Arms


Fri - Shoulders

Do 8-12 reps with 3 sets each. Hope this helps.
Reply:Hi Don B! Good for you for looking in to what's going on with your fitness level!

Without knowing exactly what your eating habits and exercise routines are like, I can't give you a definitive answer. But, what sounds like is going on is that you're suffering from overtraining. Slight imperfections in eating habits accompanied with imperfections in our exercise routines can lead to fatigue, gaining weight, decrease in strength, etc.

Here are some quick tips:

Do your cardio first thing upon waking on an empty stomach. Minimize duration of high intensity training. If you like high intense cardio, do interval training.

Eat small meals about every 3 hours. Portion sizes should be such that you are ready to eat again about every 3 hours. This will keep certain hormones balanced throughout the day to aid in fat loss and fat prevention.

Meals should be balanced. Meaning: if your meal/snack calorie breakdown is about 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat, then the rest of your meals should consist of the same breakdown. An EXCEPTION is any meal/snack within a few hours of bedtime. This meal/snack should be strictly protein, no carbs and no fats.

Minimize your sugar and saturated fat intake.

Include Resistance Training at least 3 times a week. Your session should be no more than an hour.

To ensure the most efficient and safe results, utilize a Personal Trainer well educated in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition. Feel free to contact me with any questions:

Hope this helps!

Justin Brink

B.S. Kinesiology, CPT
Reply:If I were you, I'd go talk to a dietician or your doctor. They can get you on a good plan. If you can afford it, try to meet with a personal trainer once every other week at least. Or get on weight watchers. That's awesome that you are trying to get in shape, but I think you need some help from a prefessional to get you on the right track, especially with diet.
Reply:ok, you have to stop eatting at outback. if your really serious try to cut out red meat from your diet.Fast food is filled with fat and (sodium) which well make your body retain more water.Try eating six small meals a-day instead of 3 big-ones.Eat more fish and chicken. Cut out all "white" foods from your diet (ex.) bread,flour,sugar,rice and some pasta's.No soda or fruit juices wich are hi in sugar.Also your doing to much cardio.Try working out with more weights.1day lift wieghts next day do cardio.Try to incorporate total body workouts with high intensity for no more than 45min.Legs and abs should be done on another day.Again high intensity and no more than 45min.1day upperbody,nxt day cardio,nxt day legs and so on.take one day off.also on your one day off eat whatever you want and as much as you want.Take one day as your "free"day.but its back to work the nxt 6. Also get plenty of sleep. hope this helps.I also recommend to take a pic of yourself before you start your program.and take another one after 2 wks to see your progress. keep doing this for the duration of your diet and exercise program.And drink alot of water,keep a journal.yea it sounds like alot of work,and it is but you'll be happy with the results.try this for 90days. good luck
Reply:One thing that will help you lose weight: diet pills. I was one of those who did not believe in them until I tried it. And I tried a few. The best product I found on the market is made with pure hoodia and it works great! You can go to and order you free trial, also you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!

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