Friday, May 21, 2010

Spanish help with Imperfecto vs preterio?

Question : Imperfecto vs preterio

Question Details: Just tell me if it's imperefcto o preterio if you want you can translate the sentence too. I perfer you translate them in spanish too.

1.He was born in san fransisco and raised in Hong Kong.

2. He was a martials art actor.

3. He died in July 20, 1973

4. He learned martial arts through his father.

5. He used to do push ups with his thumbs everyday

6. He had four childrens and one wife.

7. He was born on November 27th, 1940.

8. He went to college at age 12 in Hong Kong.

9. He was sent to America in 1528.

10. He used to exercise for 2 hours everyday.

11. He used to read marital arts book everyday.

12. He used to create his own training equipments.

13. He was a ganger member in Hong Kong

14. He was acting in films as young as three months.

15. He lived with his mother for only 18 years.

Spanish help with Imperfecto vs preterio?
Hola Asdad,


1. Él nació en San Fransisco, pero se crió en Hong Kong. [pretérito]

2. Él fue un actor de artes marciales. [pretérito]

3. Él murió el veinte de julio de 1973. [pretérito]

4. Él aprendió artes marciales de su padre. [pretérito]

5. El hacía planchas con sus pulgares todos los días. [imperfecto]

5. Él fue maestro de artes marciales. [pretérito]

6. Él tuvo una esposa y cuatro hijos. [pretérito]

7. Él nació el veintesiete de noviembre de 1940. [pretérito]

8. Él fue a la universidad a la edad de doce años en Hong Kong. [pretérito]

9. Él fue envíado a los Estados Unidos en 1959. [pretérito]

10. Él SE ejercitaba por dos horas todos las días. [imperfecto]

11. Él leía libros de artes marciales todos las días. [imperfecto]

12. Él creaba su propio material de entrenamiento. [imperfecto]

12. É'l comía arroz todos los días. [pretérito]

13. Él fue miembro de una pandilla en Hong Kong. [pretérito]

14. Él empezó a actuar en películas cuando tenía tan solo tres meses de edad. [pretérito e imperfecto]

15. Él vivió con su madre por solo dieciocho años. [pretérito]
Reply:imperfect is used when something happend more than once in the past.. like you use to do something

If something only happened once then you use the prediet!

I'm taking spanish now and that's how my teacher explained it.

i would translate for you, but those are easy sentences and i think you can do it!

good luck with spanish!
Reply:you use preterite when u are talking about something that is over and done with ... it just happend and its over... like #9 was he sent thats it. hes not stil being sent or wasnt being sent over a period of time.

u use imp when talking about:



continuous actinos

habitual actions


Reply:You use preterite when you're saying that you did something and something happened once.

If you're saying you used to do something, or something used to happen to you, you use imperfect.

Sorry, I'm not translating all those sentences! Haha. :)

Good luck!

flowers gifts

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