Friday, May 21, 2010

Im really confused?

Ok I'm 15, I've been playing tennis for like a month with a week training lesson, Im on my second week and already I have improved greatly and im now from begginer to improver, I even nearly beat the best player in my group today (lossed by one point). However I like martial arts (taekwondo) which my brother does, my family think Im being stupid because I want to try and learn taekwondo and get a future with that rather than carrying on getting better at tennis, maybe their right..but I dont know Im so confused, I talk about martial arts so much but i cant even kick right, I keep on toeing the kick bag when your suppose to hit your I throwing away a good oppurtunity here? Should I stick with my "guns"?

Im really confused?
Dude-do both. If you have a gift for playing tennis, you should try to become the best tennis player there is. Unless of course playing tennis makes you feel bad or unhappy or causes physical problems. When i say bad or unhappy I mean like to the point it makes you sick enoughh to be hospitalized. And physical problems does not mean aches and pains from regular play.

Practicing Tae-kwon-do could probably improve your tennis game a lot. So I say do both. who knows, you could be so good you make a living playing a game. What could be a better job than that?

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