Monday, November 16, 2009

Could this be dangerous? Should I try it?

I am going to be doing this stunt with this guy and another girl.

Could I be injured or does it look safe. I will be the one jumping on the guy.

The stunt is to show how strong the human body is. The guy has martial arts training.

Should I do this?

Could this be dangerous? Should I try it?
You could twist your ankle or something like that. I wouldn't do it.
Reply:why do you keep asking this question
Reply:i wouldnt recommend doing it. you could hurt yourself or the guy,

and if you do happen to hurt the guy, he could sue you.

it's not that impressive to begin with, why do you want to do it?

i think it's way cooler to learn how to blow milk out of your nose, and that way, you dont hurt anyone else.
Reply:I don't understand why people want constantly do foolish stunts that can possibly hurt themselves or others.

Why not spend your spare time finding something that is useful or something to be proud of once you have achieved it.
Reply:That's a real good way to bust kidneys wide open.I would not do it.Your risking internal organs if you try it.I can just see you getting sued for medical expenses when it goes wrong.
Reply:You asked this same question about a week ago.

And my answer has not changed. If you injure the guy or - heaven forbid, kill him - do you REALLY want that on your conscience, not to mention your RECORD?

Do not do this. It is dangerous and moreover STUPID.
Reply:Looks like a great way to crush someone's stomach.
Reply:what are you trying to ask?

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