Saturday, November 14, 2009

Help! Lookin' for a Martial Arts Style for me.? Has to fit one or both of the categories below.?

I want a fighting/defense sytle.

I wanna be able to strike powerful blows but it looks like I barely hit them.

Is their a style like that besides Dim Mak?

Like I'm lookin for a stab like effect like a quick strike to cause pain to my opponent .

Also what do yall think about chi energy?

Is their a style that uses chi energy into attacks?

Last thing is the training and practicing of this must be able to give me an incredible body.

Please give me as many styles that apply.

Help! Lookin' for a Martial Arts Style for me.? Has to fit one or both of the categories below.?
I get a lot of questions and request from people wanting to join and train in the martial arts for the first time and are clueless on what to do or which art to take. Its only natural to ask friends and even martial forums.

Finding the right school, style and instructor can be a very discouraging and perplexing endeavor.

I can easily say “oh, take Shorin ryu because….” but I won’t. Why ? Well for one, I don’t know you. Second, telling you about my art is like telling you how Baskin and Robins new Ice cream flavor of the month taste like, You may like and decided to buy it in a one gallon container, because I am telling you what it tasted like without you sampling it first. Then later you are going to end up like many people who are moaning and crying about how they cannot get out of some contract because some “relative” told them how the “Ice Cream” tasted like without them sampling it at first.

However, I can suggest the following steps to assist you in your search:

First thing first, Ask yourself .

- Am I willing to spend the time and money to venture into this “new” lifestyle ? Or Am I just having a Jet Li / Jackie Chan / Power Rangers / The Last Samurai moment ?

You really need to seriously think about this.

What style is good for me ?

Get a phone book ( Available FREE from your local phone company ) , Take it home and start looking for the listing under “ Martial Arts Instruction” or “ Martial Arts”. You should find about 2-3 pages of Schools currently doing business in your area. Some schools have big ads that grabs your attention the moment you opened the phone. Don’t neglect schools that are simply on the basic 2 lines listing. You will never know what hidden “treasure” you might stumble upon.

Next step is to list the schools and their styles that appeals to you. Since you are new to the Martial Arts it is also a wise idea to check out a style or system that you have never heard off, as I am sure you have never heard of arts like Matsubayashi Ryu , Kobayashi Ryu, Shito Ryu..etc. List them as well and find out more about them.

Then click on this link: type in the styles that you listed. I am 100 percent sure that google will give you detailed information of the type of martial art styles that are being offered in your area. Do not read one website as the only source of that style. Read as many as you can. It pays to do your homework before you do your legwork.

Finding the Dojo

Once you narrowed down your martial arts style search and still feeling enthusiastic about training. Now comes the hard part. To begin with, return to the primary source ( the phone book). Now that you have a clear fundamental understanding of what style of martial arts maybe good for you. List all the available dojo with their address and phone numbers.

Now don’t rely of the phone books alone as the only source of locating dojos in your area. Utilized the power of the information superhighway (AKA the internet). Click on and type in keywords such as Karate ( type in city) or wushu (type in city)..etc

There are dojos that do not advertised or used phone books and the internet to acquire new students. Often these little schools rely of words of mouth or basically are non-commercialized schools. Just because they are small does not mean that they aren’t any good. Funakoshi’s ( Founder of Shotokan) first dojo was his backyard.

So by now you probably have list that are now 2-3 pages long. The next course of action is to give the Dojo that appealed to you a call and see if they give out try-outs for free or pay the minimal tryout fee’s. I would strongly suggest to try out these schools for a least a month before you make a commitment. Trying out for one day training session is not enough. If you have to pay for a monthly fee ( Hopefully very small indeed) Just do it ! It is worth the investment.

Calling in and Making Appointments Etiquette

So after all the hassles of researching for the “perfect “ Dojo. You have finally decided that you now vowed to the gods and dedicate your entire lifetime to the art (just kidding). You stare at the phone and as your finger nervously pressed the school’s number , you may be doubting and asking yourself “ What the heck am I getting myself into”. Don’t worry its normal. But there are certain things you need to understand before you call. That is basic calling etiquette or in layman‘s terms “Common Courtesy“. You want to make a good first impression as to avoid sounding like an uncivilized primate.

- Phone calls should be limited only to basic information and setting up appointments. It is not a chat line for martial arts talk.

- If you are using your cell phone. check the battery in your cell phone before calling -if there only one bar left on your battery indicator, for the love of Miyagi’s mom, don't call.

-When calling in don’t start with “yah, how much for training ?” have a little courtesy . Say something like “Hello my name is “Somebody” and I am interested in your school. Schools do not need arrogant prospective students and chances are they may not even care to give you an appointment to visit and try out.

- Just because you made an extended research on the style, Do not act like you know everything there is to know about the school. Learn to be a good listener. There is nothing more annoying than a student who gets preachy about martial arts to an experienced instructor.

I remembered a prospective student who trained in Aikido for 2 weeks come in for an appointment and just literally interrupts me with “Aikido does this and that” and “How come Karate does not do what Aikido does“. I told him that last time I checked the signs in front of our dojo. It says karate !

- When setting up appointments, make sure you really desire to show up. 80 percent of callers that seeks appointments to come to the dojo to try or even just to visit never shows. Don’t be a flake ! Even if you are not sure about enrolling in that dojo, just show up !. Bottom Line: Don’t be a FLAKE !

- When ending the call, learn to say “thank you“, trust me it isn’t that hard. The person took the time to assist you. Don’t act like they owe you the world.

At the Interviewers Office

It takes a lot of courage to get into your car , turn the engine on and drive towards the unknown territory. Perhaps during your drive, you may be having a mental battle of nagging doubts and trying to come up with gazillions of lame excuses to not show up. You are constantly wishing for some divine interventions to stop from going.

Unfortunately , nothing bad happened and you finally made it to the Dojo’s parking lot safe and sound. Whew ! The hard part is over ! Hold on buddy ! It isn’t over ! In Martial arts its only over when you are dead.

As you walked in you may think that the dojos has the attitude of “Mi Casa, Tu Casa” ~ Not quiet. Sorry, that is reality. You may be a guest, but this ain’t a workout gym where you are free to do as you please. Here’s a basic courtesy that may help you.

- When entering the dojo for the first time, greet everyone you see. Just because not everyone is wearing a black belt does not mean they don’t deserved any courtesy from you. I always teach my students to show courtesy when new people are walking in the dojo. We try to make it comfortable for them.

- Don’t walk around the dojo while waiting. Dojos are not museums, liquor stores or malls. Wait for someone to show you around. I remember one person who came down while I was at my office on phone call. He simply walked in and started walking around the Tatami with his shoes on. Yup ! oil stains and tar were forever etched in our tatami.

- When introduced to the head instructor , Try to offer your hand or bow first and then introduce yourself. Unless you’re the pope, we can bend the rules a bit.

- Wait to be seated ! And for crying out loud Sit up straight ! You are sitting on a chair not a lazy boy recliner.

- Turn off you cell phone during interview ! In case you forgot to turn off your cell phone, don’t answer it , just mute it as it is really considered very rude and distracting while in the middle of the interview.

If any of the above is too much work for you, chances are you aren't that serious in the first place. Hopefully this small suggestions helps and let us know of the outcome.
Reply:Screw chi. Join a boxing gym
Reply:Ninjutsu and Aikido. Little effort, big effect! Also makes you fit and very flexible.
Reply:Gung Fu, no....not kung fu. Go for gung fu, in other words it involves animal styles. Sounds like you might like snake style. Quick and direct blows. Have fun!
Reply:You might have to do what we do in the army by mixing a variety of styles.

For defense there are alot of styles but I would lean towards brazilian Ji-Jitsu, it is great for defensive fighting esspecially on the ground and it will help your stamina and grappling skills.....look no further than the Gracie family for a good example.

For offensive and conditioning id do boxing and a style of fighting that KEEPS YOUR ATTENTION, sometimes people can get bored with the same style of fighting

Dim Mak = Bullshido. The dim mak is a "technique" that was developed based on superstition and subterfuge. It's a load of crock.

You should be weary of any style that teaches you to project your "chi." There is no evidence that psychokinetics of any sort exist that allow for the projection of energy without physical interference.

I'm afraid that if you want to really learn how to hit someone, you aren't going to meet your second category, unless you decide to poke the guy in the eyes or slap him in the groin.

If you want to get a good body from the training, and learn a RELIABLE way to defend yourself, then you should look into:

boxing, kickboxing (muay Thai, if at all possible), Brazilian jiu jitsu, wrestling (freestyle or greco-roman), and krav maga. If you are looking for something with a little more traditional flavor, try to find a kyokushin dojo. That stuff is hardcore.
Reply:tae kwon do
Reply:i would suggest finding a Sen-sei that will instruct you in the delicate art of changing your "enemy's" heart to love, which is the most powerful weapon of my chosen order.

And no, you will not find this order available anywhere because it is by invitation only. It's basic tenets are the first three spiritual truths, which transcend all other forms of self-defense:

1. Don't go there.

2. Don't be there.

3. There _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

When you find the appropriate response, you may be wise enough for The way of the Spiritual Warrior.Until then you must suffer the way of the confused and bewildered.But have hope that it is possible-- it only took me 25 yrs to know the appropriate response.

So saith the SaGe ( me ).
Reply:You should try Capoeira. It is an Afro-Brazilian form of martial arts and swift movement.Capoeira consists mostly of cartwheels, headspins,punches,headstrikes,fist strikes, and blows to the knee. I hope this helps.
Reply:George A. Dillman's Kyushu-Jutsu will give you all of the above. Look it up.
Reply:Look up Kajukenbo or AKKI Kenpo
Reply:Practice the snake fist, eagles fist, tiger fist, crane fist, leopard fist, mantis fis, bagua, kung fu, qi-gong, wushu, tai chi chuan, gong fu, wupu.

HI my name is Reynan i understan your question very well.

so you want to fight very quick, or to kick very quick.

its easy, practice the examples above like snake, mantis, crane, tiger, and all to improve cji(energy) is qi-gong. jog every day in an oval within 3 rounds and practice streachings to improve your split, the split is your distance to memorise what time to attack your oponent. After joggong in an oval practice Tai chi chuan it helps you to control your balance in will help too decrises falling down when your fighting. By the way your asking about Chi(energy) so this energy has two parts the inner energy and the exteernal energy. this two will help you to improve the styles above. but remember when you practice Chi(energy) developing technique you need to breath in your nose and exhale it on your mouth. you must also practice when it is full moon, because the moon gathers all elements in the earth much beter reaserch for that. In an quick style snake you need to use external energy to fight but you need to practice finger punsh ups-and risk push-ups. When your oponent hit you hard hit him soft, and when your oponent hit you soft hit him hard. and most of all timing and expert eyesight. in fighting eyesight is the best skill to move use your hand to attack and your feet for your conter attack. I will give you tips to improve your eyesight.


In wushu practice, the importance of powerful eyesight can never be overemphasized. The reason is very simple: you can never hit a target effectively without seeing it clearly.

When you are in for a fight, you must keep your eyes on your opponent, either directly or by split vision, in order to know how close he has come to you and what tactics he intends to use. A great fighter is said to have sharp eyes that are able to detect the slightest stir anywhere about him.

A pair of well-trained eyes are just as important in a demonstration, whether armed or unarmed. They help to bring out the spirit of an exercise, contributing to the integration of inner strength and physical movements and the coordination of the eyes, the hands, the feet and the body.

There are many ways to train your eyes for improving wushu performance. Here's a simple set of exercise to be done in the standing position, with your head held still all the time:

1. Keep your eyes wide open and stare hard at an object in the distance as if you were trying to "pierce" it with your eyesight.

2. With eyes wide open, move the eyeballs slowly to the extreme left and let them stay there for a while before moving them to the extreme right. Repeat the whole process several times.

3. Lift the eyeballs slowly to the uppermost limit and let them stay there for a while before dropping them down to the lowermost limit. Repeat this several times.

4. Roll the eyeballs in a large circle, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Points for attention:

1. Do the exercise in a quiet place, preferably in the woods. Do not face the sun directly.

2. Hold your head erect and do not turn it when you move your eyeballs. Place your tongue on the hard palate and pull in your chin.

3. Take a little rest or massage your eyes gently after each movement.

Reply:muay thai, brazilian jiu jitsu and tkd

forget dim mak

forget kung fu

forget any animal style

forget aikido

forget ninjitsu

forget chi

forget karate

dont buy into that striking powerful blows and making it look like you barely hit them. the categories you described are unrealistic and just plain silly. how in GOD's name will dim mak give you an incredible body. NOTHING will give you an incredible body, only you can give you an incredible body.

edit: i just read what the guy above me wrote, in addition to these wonderous and joyful kung fu exercises, you can also learn to walk around your dojo in the mountains using only chopsticks while juggling small hamsters, all the while focusing chi on boiling the kettle for your scalding water bath, which of course you will not feel because yourchi is protecting you.

im not saying chi is bullshit, just that it is FAR blown out of proportion. you can call it whatever you want, but the idea of it being some mystical force is just stupid.
Reply:Good defensive would be Krav Magna, you get to learn from everyday life scenario's such as weapon defense, from knives,bats and guns. But this does require contact, but the odds will be in your favor since they do not teach you in a way of structure, but mostly on instinct.

Jeet Kune Do, made by the famous Bruce Lee. He took a few movements of different martial arts, that he finds useful and combined it. It is mostly based on speed, accuracy, power.

I would like to learn akido, a martial art that is based on your opponents oncoming energy and try to use it against them, I personally like it because of the flow. And also would like to learn (B.J.J) Brazilian Jui Jitsu. Good ground combat, that is based on locks, and somewhat ground and pound.
Reply:Try Dekiti Tirsia Siradas
Reply:first cant be looking for a martial art just to look good its how wel you do.

i study tang soo do...and chi energy is used from time to time there is a master in america who gave us a lesson in the uk and it was all about chi engergy and this martial art also give you disaplin keeps you fit and yea i think it could be what you are looking for but,...its not easy youve got to work at it.

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