Saturday, May 15, 2010

How Can I condition my hands and feet so that they will grow stronger and have tougher skin on them?

I need this for martial arts training and I need to toughen up my limbs to grow stronger and faster like Tommy Carruthers the Jeet Kune Do legend.

How Can I condition my hands and feet so that they will grow stronger and have tougher skin on them?
use bags filled with beans or rounded rock. just slap them or use them on what ever part your trying to harden. As well you can use cement slabs to do the same. You do not need to pound hard to condition though. Over time the bones in that area will "break down" and in turn will heal themselves. In doing that they will become harder and more dense.

Our bones are full of honeycombs of air pockets, like a bee hive. If we condition them the honeycombs tend to break and crack. In turn our body creates calcium deposits that rebuild the area. The honeycomb spacing becomes smaller because of the deposits and in turn become more dense and harder. Over time you have a solid bone, unlike that of most people.
Reply:i dont know
Reply:For the hands knuckle and finger tip push ups .If you are into callouses and big lumpy knuckles a traditional makiwara (weapon forging post)should do it .Start easy and work up to harder and harder strikes .Condition all striking surfaces as hand edge palm etc.

For the legs a heavy bag of at least a 100 pounds .Swing it away from you then stop it with a kick as it swings back .This will not only increase power but stability and balance.
Reply:Basically you just need to use various things many times a week or daily. An anchored 4x4 with a cotton rope wrapped around it with not only toughen your nuckles but strengthen your hand for those type of strikes. Use a punch or chop with this. For more of a bone toughening you need to get a wall of some sort. I'd say to start with a 2x12 fastened to a wall or just nailed to a tree but in a way that you wouldnt hit the fasteners. Wood is a good hard material but also gives in a good way. After that go up to cement, rough or smooth. rough would toughen the skin as well. for your arms and legs, push-ups, lunges, squats, jumping drills, kicking drills would help with strength and quickness. For toughness on your limbs get a 80+Lbs bag and kick/punch it multiple times a day. Also for your skin a cloth bag filled with sand is good also. A pot filled with sand with help toughen your hands, sort of odd to use your feet with a pot. keep the pot in a sunny area for extra toughening...
Reply:i once heard of a technique used by japanese samurai in which one sit on his knees over two medium sized buckets of gravel. and puch downward daily until the gravel had turned to dust. although i havent heard of anybody using this stratedy within my lifetime. good luck
Reply:Several methods include sand burning and iron body training. The purpose of these ancient techniques are to improve the amount of Qi(chi) that flows to certain areas of the body, making them stronger.

I would advise against sand burning (too painful) and would suggest iron body instead. Many of the people here have brief descriptions of iron body training, but they mostly only talk about iron fist (hitting hands into rock, bag of beans, etc.). Iron body is basically the same principle, but for the whole body.

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