Saturday, May 15, 2010

Masutatsu he for real?

did this man seriously do this kind of workout routine?

(scroll down a little its after bruce lee)

i believe he did fight bulls but seriously this man did 100 dips and benched 175lbs for 500 reps? sry but that seems VERY unrealistic and he doesnt even look that strong

Masutatsu he for real?
This guy was the "Real Deal" %26amp; World Record Holder.

Mas Oyama, in order to show the strength of his karate, tested his strength by fighting raging bulls bare-handed. It was a mismatch from the get-go for the bulls, not for Oyama. In all, he fought 52 bulls, three of which were killed instantly, and 49 had their horns taken off with knife hand blows. That it is not to say that it was all that easy for him. Oyama was fond of remembering that his first attempt just resulted in an angry bull. In 1957, at the age of 34, he was nearly killed in Mexico when a bull got some of his own back and gored him. Oyama somehow managed to pull the bull off and break off his horn. He was bedridden for 6 months while he recovered from the usually fatal wound. Today of course, the animal rights groups would have something to say about these demonstrations, despite the fact that the animals were all destined for slaughter.

(please check out this info)
Reply:short n sweet yes he is...too bad many people dont know about him
Reply:Have you looked at some pictures of Oyama? the guy was full of muscle and is genuine, how can you say he doesnt look that strong? maby you are looking at him when he is older

This is him in his youth, he was a little tank
Reply:Sounds fantastical but makes me want to investigate further, thanks for that - pretty poor answer I know
Reply:That just goes to show that it isn't the style which makes the fighter, but rather the fighters willingness to train hard for a win.

Mas Oyama could rip it up because he was a hard worker, not because he studied an "amazing, super efficient, awesome, kick ***, reality based" style.

I didn't even know he did THAT many reps. I always thought Kimura was the hardest working martial artist I ever heard of. But that really almost blows him out of the water.
Reply:100 dips isnt really a lot. Plus, it was probly with his feet on a chair, which makes it harder, but still isnt a lot.

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