Saturday, May 15, 2010

My joints click when I do weight training even though I do a lot of sport?

I use a range of weights when I train and my arms and shoulder joints seem to 'click' a lot when i am doing it. This is weird because I do sport ( martial arts, hockey and ball games) at least 4 times a week. Is it wrong to carry on doing it and bear the 'clicking'?

My joints click when I do weight training even though I do a lot of sport?
It depends, is the clicking accompanied by any pain? Most people have joints that make some noise from time to time, especially for those that are active. If there is no pain most likely you have nothing to worry about, but if there is pain, especially if it's persistent, there may be a problem with your joints.

Just be sure to warm up well before exercising, and this includes warming up the joints. A lot of injuries could be avoided simply by adequately warming up.
Reply:Lets put it straight. Diet and fitness is the most important thing in life. Losing weight is not that hard, You will never hear me say that it is. All it takes is dedication, motivation and hard work%26lt;!--There are some fairly simple changes that will greatly improve your chances of weight loss success. Check this out to loss weight,

The best, most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to simply eat right and exercise. Good diet, minimize saturated fat, use monounsaturated fat--%26gt;Always check in gradients of everything you are buyingRelaxation, stress and strain never allow people to be slim.

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